Click on the links to see my works!

Plotly Javascript

For web-pages I use Plotly Javascript.

Done only for demo purposes.

See work

Effects with CSS3!

Trying out different effects with CCS3.

Done during my studies.

Done with HTML and CSS.

See work


For my work in STACC I also use MatPlotLib.

Done only for demo purposes.

See work

IT law

Simple web-page about IT law in Estonia.

Done for school subject.

See work

Plotly Python

For my work in STACC I often use Plotly.

Done only for demo purposes.

Done in Jupyter Notebook and when downloaded as HTML.

See work

Django project

A simple UI for file upload.

Done for a Hackathon challenge.

See work

PHP exercises

Simple PHP exercises.

Done for different school subjects.

See work

Mendel Laws

A Python application for playing with Mendel laws.

Done as pair-work for university course.

See work

Javascript exercises

Different small exercises with Javascript.

Done for school subject.

See work